Guin: Old shirts and new experiences
The shirt I'm wearing in this post is three years old. I bought it in Spain and it is arguable one of my most worn items of clothing. You couldn't tell from this post, but it is no longer white and has shrunk a lot since I bought it. This shirt, as silly as it sounds, represents something a lil' more to me than an item of clothing probably should.
The past three years I've spent in Toronto, I've been constantly repeating to myself "I just want high school to be over" and this summer, for the first time, it has occurred to me that I have one year left, and then I'm going out into the big blue sea, that is university. I think I come off as someone who is put together and has has everything figured out, likely because until this summer I thought I had it all figured out. However, things are not as simple as people make them out to be. Money, family, friends, faith and location are such complex things, and all seem to play a role in this not so personal decision as to where I'm going to go to uni.
More and more, I'm trying to take advice from people, while suppressing my people pleasing tendency, and coming to conclusions about what to do in certain situations. Everyone seems to have a unique piece of advice, as everyone has had a unique experience. There are so many options and they all seem amazing. I've also had to let go of some longterm dreams, at least for now. This has been hard, but I have not given up just temporarily put them on hold. It can be hard but sometimes family, friends, and common good is better, even though currently my tunnel vision is telling me otherwise.
I think the hardest thing about the future is moving away from Toronto. I consider Toronto home, I love the city so much and my friends are all there and the places and people I love so much are all there. This is by no means saying that my amazing friends and the family I love so much who live in Montreal are less amazing than anything in Toronto, just the goodbye will be very challenging. We shall see what happens, but whatever happens it will be good, and wherever life takes me, I believe will be amazing. However, standing in front of all of this unknown is scary.
DISCLAIMER: I solidly cannot wait for the upcoming year, and the future will be good and exciting, just getting deep and emotional yaknow.
What I'm Wearing
top: Zara (pronounced Thara, because Spanish)
shirt: Old Navy Men, veryyyy old
watch: Sears
pants: Old Navy, here
shoes: Payless, old
bag: Fossil, sold out
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